Press Release: It is still well with Bishop Pruitt’s Soul

New book celebrates Bishop’s passing and son’s journey

Ninety-two days.
“Ninety-two days of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes.” So starts Robert L. Pruitt, II’s journey through Bishop Robert L. Pruitt’s passing in the upcoming book, It is Well with My Soul. Watching Daddy Die Live. Scheduled for release on August 22, Pruitt’s book serves as a support system for others as they journey with their loved ones through times of terminal illness and death.

Pruitt’s journal entries begin the day he learns his father is in the hospital, and continue through his father’s death and his ongoing grief. His outpouring of emotions and in- sights into his situation resonates with anyone who has—or will—live through similar times. Those familiar with his ministry will rejoice in stories of how Bishop Pruitt’s last months inspired his son to accept the transition from life to death. During an altar call just weeks before his death, Bishop Pruitt, “. . . used a tug boat analogy to refer to God calling him home. He said, ‘The lead boat has his name on it and he was told not to worry you’re in God’s care!’ I had never heard this story or metaphor used by Dad or anyone else.”

Even those unfamiliar with the Bishop will relish the heart-felt expressions of a son watching his father grow thin and frail as cancer takes its toll. One early reviewer notes: “This book shows the true hardship caregivers experience and how they wouldn’t give up this second job [of caring for the loved one] for anything.” The idea for writing the book came from Bishop Pruitt himself as he watched his son journal at his bedside, and commented about the benefit of the practice to others.

In the years since his father’s death, Pruitt continues the family legacy through his motivational speaking and coaching organization In the past 11 years, Pruitt has ad- dressed tens of thousands of young people and adults through the United States and internationally. Even the book’s publication continues to deliver a message since Pruitt plans to earmark proceeds from the sale of the book to benefit the development of a support center for caregivers and others helping family members dealing with cancer or other terminal illnesses.

“All proceeds from the sale of the book benefit a new spiritual retreat center to support care-givers in re-energizing and embracing a new normal.”

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