Vino and Vision

Available Dates:
Saturday, January 3, 2015 (5PM-9PM)
(Registration Closed)

Saturday, February 7, 2015 (5PM-9PM)
(Registration Closed)

Friday, March 13, 2015 (7PM-10PM)
(Registration Deadline: Mark 12th 9AM EST)

Laurel, MD
(Location and Directions Provided After Registration)

Your Investment:



Heartwork (A pre-assignment) from RobertPruitt.Com via email prior to event date
 “What I see…”
“What I believe…”

A discussion with RobertPruitt.Com covering
What is a vision board and what does it do? What universal laws will support this experience?

The construction of a vision board and all required materials
Board / Scissors / Pegs / Magazines / Newspapers / Markers

Wine and finger foods

Event date subject to change due to enrollment or inclement weather.


For many people around the world, vision boards are an essential part of our lives. These meaningful displays serve as visual cues reminding us of the change(s) we desire. When constructed and utilized properly, they support us in bringing our dreams and hopes into a physical form (via The Laws of Attraction; Manifestation; Vibration; Mind Action; Love).  For example, if you’ve ever wished for more money and then discovered money in the washing machine, welcome to the “laws” at work. Or if you ever stated that you were sick of your job and then found yourself at home with a cold… need we say more?


As individuals we tend to move in the direction that we focus our attention on.  If we are filled with negative ideas about our lives and selves, our lives will reflect this understanding. If we fill our lives with thoughts, people and objects which lovingly remind us of what we say matters, we’ll attract and manifest our heartfelt desires. Our movement is controlled by conscious and unconscious thoughts. The vision boards support us in consciously maintaining our focus on something specific.


The wonderful thing about the human brain is it doesn’t ask if a thought is true or false. The brain simply records what we say to ourselves about ourselves, others and the world. Then this magnificent library of information reminds us of what we said. So, imagine how you might feel and perhaps look to others if you told yourself each day that you were are gift? Or if you envisioned turning a hobby in to a lucrative money making venture? Or, if you spent a few seconds each week envisioning yourself on that Mediterranean cruise?


Take a look around and you will discover that everything you have began with a thought! We invite you with clear intention, to point yourself in the direction of your vision, dreams, hopes, or aspirations by creating your unique vision board.  This interactive workshop will:


  • Define and discuss what a vision is and what it offers.
  • Discover the necessary tools to create your own vision board (allowing the internal images & ideas to become your external reality).
  • Create a vision board using pictures, words and meaningful objects.
  • Develop easy steps for using your vision board.
  • Support you in deepening your relationship with your Higher Power.
  • Enjoy wine, cheese and friendship.

Fill out my online form.